On Saturday, Oct. 16, scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and other organizations discussed the scientific evidence for global warming at a free public science symposium. The symposium was sponsored by the JPL Green Club. The presentations, which are geared toward adults, are available for download below.

  • [[LINK||FILE:4_holt_polar_JPL_Climate_Oct2010_V5.ppt||Climate Change in Earth's Polar Regions]] - Ben Holt
  • [[LINK||FILE:8_Transition.ppt||Transition Initiative]] - Bruce Townsend
  • [[LINK||FILE:7_JoBea_JPL-8.ppt||What Do We Do Now?]] - JoBea Holt
  • [[LINK||FILE:5_vazquez_climate10162010-v3.ppt||Indicators of a Warming Globe]] - Jorge Vazquez
  • [[LINK||FILE:2_Eldering_OCO2_Climate_Change_101610-rev2.pptx||Atmospheric CO2 and the OCO-2 Satellite Mission]] - Annmarie Eldering and Michael R. Gunson
  • [[LINK||FILE:3_Fetzer_SatObs2010-10-16.ppt||Observing Atmospheric Climate by Satellite]] - Eric Fetzer ([[LINK||FILE:Fetzer_Movies.zip||Movies ZIP file]])
  • [[LINK||FILE:6_Conway_Media_v5.pptx||The U.S. Media and Climate Confusion]] - Erik M. Conway
  • [[LINK||FILE:1_keppelaleks_carboncycle_16oct2010_rev2.ppt||Climate and the Carbon Cycle]] - Gretchen Keppel-Aleks