Public Science Symposium on Climate Change at JPL

On Saturday, Oct. 24, from 2 to 4 p.m. at JPL, Earth scientists with expertise in the fields of atmosphere, ocean and ecology presented brief talks on the scientific evidence for global warming, including a discussion of what individuals and society can do to slow global warming. There was also a demonstration of NASA's "Eyes on the Earth" multimedia project. The symposium was sponsored by the JPL Green Club.
The presentations and related multimedia are available for download below.
- [[LINK||FILE:agenda.pdf||Agenda]]
- [[LINK||FILE:Von_Karman_Symp-Oct24_09-Final.ppt||Mous Chahine - "No country is immune from effects of increased greenhouse gases"]]
- [[LINK||||Movies and images from Chahine presentation]]
- [[LINK||FILE:boland_climate_CL09-4409.ppt||Stacey Boland - CO2 sources/sinks: Earth satellites' contributions]]
- [[LINK||FILE:waliser-symposium.ppt||Duane Waliser - Calibration of climate models]]
- [[LINK||FILE:TerrestrialCarb-McDonald-v3b.ppt||Kyle McDonald - Terrestrial carbon cycles]]
- [[LINK||FILE:holt_polar_symposiumOct20091.ppt||Ben Holt - Arctic ice cover changes]]
- [[LINK||FILE:Fu_Oct24_09.ppt||Lee Fu - "Sea level rise is an unambiguous consequence of a warming climate"]]
- Kevin Hussey - Demonstration of "Eyes on the Earth"
- [[LINK||FILE:JoBea_JPL_6.ppt||JoBea Holt - What we can do to slow climate change?]]