NASA Global Climate Change News May 2021
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May 2021

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Blog: NASA Technologies Spin off to Fight Climate Change

Space exploration, aeronautics research, and Earth science yield technologies for curbing and understanding global warming. › Full story

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NASA-Built Instrument Will Help Spot Greenhouse Gas Super-Emitters

The tool will help people, including resource managers and other officials, address increasing concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. › Full story

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In a First, Scientists Map Particle-Laden Rivers in the Sky

Windy regions high in the atmosphere can transport pollutants like dust or soot thousands of miles around the world and disrupt everyday life for thousands of people. › Full story

More Top Stories

Update: Carbon Dioxide Concentration
March's global average concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide was about 416 parts per million, continuing an upward trend due to human activities since at least 1850.

On a Changing Planet, NASA Goes Green
In addition to collecting data on humanity's effect on our planet, NASA is working towards becoming more sustainable.

Earth's Cryosphere Is Vital for Everyone. Here's How NASA Keeps Track of Its Changes.
Due to ice's important role in the Earth system, NASA is committed to studying it extensively.

How Scientists Are Using the International Space Station to Study Earth's Climate
As Earth's climate changes, the International Space Station watches from above, helping to provide unique insights to keep our planet safe.

Earth Day Connections: NASA Investigates Vegetation
From the vantage point of space, NASA’s fleet of Earth-observing satellites investigates connections between ecosystems that are continents apart, or right next door.

Earth Day Connections: NASA Study Predicts Less Saharan Dust in Future Winds
Temperature and weather systems each interact with, and are influenced by, a multitude of Earth systems, both are affected by the warming climate. One of those is the global transport of massive dust plumes from one continent to another.

After COVID-19 Delay, Delta-X Field Campaign Begins in Louisiana
Teams are headed out by land, water, and air to collect data that will be used to forecast land gain and loss in the Mississippi River Delta as a result of sea level rise.

Video: Greenland Ice Mass Loss 2002-2020
The Greenland ice sheet's mass has rapidly declined in the last several years, contributing to sea level rise. Images from satellite data show these changes since 2002.

Video: Antarctic Ice Mass Loss 2002-2020
The Antarctic ice sheet's mass has changed over the last decades, also contributing to sea level rise. Data collected from space reveal the continent's changes since 2002.

Images of Change: Two Kenyan Lakes Expand, Threatening Both
Torrential rains in Kenya's Great Rift Valley have swollen two important lakes and increased concern that they will merge. Find out what could happen if their waters meet.

Images of Change: Stalled Landslide Threatens Tsunami in Alaskan Fjord
A slow-motion landslide on the slope that defines the western side of Barry Arm, one of the glacial fjords of Alaska's Prince William Sound, has stalled. Learn what scientists warn about the future of the mountainside.

Images of Change: Flooding in Northeastern China
In October 2020, a historically rainy monsoon season, capped with persistent rainfall from Typhoon Maysak, flooded the Songhua River and its tributaries in northeastern China. See the before-and-after images taken from space.

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NASA's Global Climate Change website is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech. To learn more, visit our website at


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