NASA Global Climate Change News September 9, 2016
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September 9, 2016

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NASA analysis finds July 2016 is warmest on record

July 2016 was the warmest July in 136 years of modern record-keeping, according to a monthly analysis of global temperatures by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

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Electric airplanes (batteries included)

If there were no need for massive batteries, electric propulsion could dramatically reduce aviation’s contribution to climate change from carbon dioxide emissions. But what if the plane, itself, were the battery?

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Update: Carbon dioxide concentration

August's atmospheric average was about 404 parts per million (ppm).

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NASA flies to Africa to study climate effects of smoke on clouds
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Blog: Houston, we have a problem
... it's sea level rise.

Space robots help clear the road for self-driving cars
Nissan’s first fully self-driving electric car will be based on technology that NASA developed for planetary exploration.

NASA monitors the 'new normal' of sea ice
The beginning of this year’s melt season in the Arctic Ocean reveals that sea ice levels have continued to decline over the long term.

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NASA study analyzes Four Corners methane sources
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SAGE III to look back at Earth's atmospheric 'sunscreen’
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Blog: Dare Mighty Things
Run toward the challenge of climate change. I dare you.

NASA climate modeling suggests Venus may have been habitable
Venus may have had conditions favorable for life for up to 2 billion years of its early history, according to computer modeling of the planet’s ancient climate.

Study maps hidden water pollution in U.S. coastal areas
Researchers have created the first-ever map of previously hidden flows connecting groundwater and seawater, exposing areas of contamination.

NASA maps thawed areas under Greenland Ice Sheet
NASA researchers have helped produce the first map showing areas of thaw at the bottom of the massive Greenland Ice Sheet.

New CO2 sounder nearly ready for prime time
NASA is building an instrument powerful enough to gather around-the-clock global atmospheric carbon-dioxide (CO2) measurements from space.

Blog: Greenland on the edge
Where ice meets water at the bottom of the sea.

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NASA's Global Climate Change website is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology. To learn more, visit our website at


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